We are confident that we can deliver what you need, when you need it and at an attractive price.
Quality On-Site Sawing
Thor Steel Services offers the versatility of both precision and production sawing on site. We provide our professional machine operators with state-of-the-art equipment (Kasto) and training to ensure the highest quality work available. Your pre-production parts will be ready ahead of the competition and guaranteed to meet your specifications. Thor Steel Service breaks completely new ground in band sawing technology.
Quality On-Site Cutting
The most advanced technology in equipment management, combined with the use of high level software, guarantees the development applied to the equipment. Our cutting machine is managed automatically and monitors the cutting process. The plasma technology is used to cut ferrous alloys with middle to low thickness. As it is an electric arc, the plasma is able to cut all the electrically conductive materials. During the cutting process, it can be used with compressed air or gas mixture, depending on the materials to be cut and the quality required. The machine we are operating is a combined plasma and oxy technology in a single machine.